Five Smooth Stones: All That You Need
With God's help, David defeat Goliath with only five smooth stones and a sling. Like David, God has ...
Five Smooth Stones: God Gets the Glory
David was an unlikely hero, chosen by God for this moment. God often chooses those who are physicall...
Five Smooth Stones: The Challenger
The story of David and Goliath is one of the most well known in the Bible. It’s a story of God’s abi...
Letting Go: The Re-Creation Story
The risen Jesus sees all of us just as we are and offers to re-create us with resurrection life. Thi...
Letting Go: Our Courageous King
Jesus’ mission required him to demonstrate incredible courage regardless of the reactions of others....
Letting Go: Our Greatest Hopes
The story of Lazarus teaches us that God seldom meets our expectations but instead fulfilled our gre...
Letting Go: Clinging to Jesus
As Christ followers we must cling to Jesus rather than become like the Pharisees who valued knowing ...
Letting Go: Set Free from Shame
The story of the Samaritan woman perfectly illustrates how God sent Jesus not to condemn the world b...
Letting God: Born Anew
Those who are “born anew" lock their focus onto the crucified and resurrected Christ. When this happ...
Letting Go: Rewired By Christ
Overcoming temptation and hardships is possible in our lives because Jesus rewires our core and make...