Which Soil Am I On?
Jesus shared clearly in the parable of the soils that there is only one soil you want to be on. As C...
Unstoppable Love
The soldiers could not stop him. The crowds could not stop him. The nails could not stop him. Even t...
Perfect Love
Sometimes, it’s hard to keep our eyes focused on Jesus. But we must never grow tired of following Ch...
Humble Love
Jesus gave up heaven to come to earth to live and die as a human. Jesus chose humility and, living t...
Fueled by Love
God so loves the entire world and does not want to condemn it, so he sent Jesus as an atoning sacrif...
Fault Lines
If the Church is going to transform the world, we must be united in our love for Christ and each oth...
Greater than the Sum of Parts
We are each made unique. We are each made in the image of God. Individually, that makes us impressiv...
You and I were created in the image of God, a masterpiece made for a purpose. And there is only one ...
Spend Me
Money itself is not evil. Besides earning, saving, and giving, money is also used for spending—it’s ...
Save Me
Saving is not something that’s talked about much in church. Of course, financial gurus worldwide wou...