Do All Roads Lead to Heaven? (Part 2)
When Jesus said "No one comes to the Father except through me," did he really mean that? Is he reall...
Do All Roads Lead to Heaven? (Part 1)
When Jesus said "No one comes to the Father except through me," did he really mean that? Is he reall...
Is the Bible True? (Part 2)
What about the Bible? Is it true? Who wrote it, and when was it written? Is it reliable? Is it histo...
Is the Bible True? (Part 1)
What about the Bible? Is it true? Who wrote it, and when was it written? Is it reliable? Is it histo...
Is God Real?
Is there a God? The stars say there is! But everyone wonders about God from time to time because bel...
A Question about Understanding
In the familiar story of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, the Pharisee expresses much confusionab...
A Question About Faith
In the parable of The Persistent Widow, Jesus closes with the question, “However, when the Son of Ma...
A Question About Grace
This is the story of the Eleventh Hour Workers. It ends with the owner asking the other workers, “Or...
A Question about Worship
This is the story of Mary anointing Jesus' feet with perfume. This simple gesture of personal worshi...
A Question about Compassion
Today’s question comes from the story of the Good Samaritan. It comes at the end of the story when J...